Shopify's new translation app that will revolutionize your e-commerce

Those who have a Shopify store know very well how painful it may have to have their own store for international sales.

Currencies, shipping methods, payment methods ... are some of the difficulties to be addressed in order to cleared in a new market.

First above all, however, it is the language;From the translations of the theme, of the sections, of the apps, to the checkout, translating e-commerce has always been a long, frustrating process, and often resulted in an even mediocre result.

We too, for this reason, have developed applications and technical solutions over time to be able to face the problem at best and not to have to fall on some malfunctioning and expensive apps.

Today all this can become history.

Those who know us know very well how well we try to avoid the use of apps (for various reasons) but in some cases we close an eye.

Shopify Translate & Adapt

We had a preview access to the app for the translations of the official Shopify team Translate & Adapt And he struck us a lot!

Shopify early access app

Already in the past we had collaborated with the Shopify team as regards the Admin API GraphQl for translations. 

As soon as the app we opened, we have made us deal of how effective in the management of the languages of the site.

In its simplicity, the app allows you to translate all aspects of the store (except third-party apps) through simple and intuitive graphics with Rich-Text editor.

shopify translate & adapt app shopify localize & translate app
Shopify translate & adapt app

We can summarize its strengths thus:

  • Free
  • Simple to use
  • Compatible with Shopify Markets
  • Language management (native) integrated
  • Support Automatic translation
  • 2 automatic languages included
  • Completeness translation

Overall, we feel to say that this will be the killer app for translations. Obviously it will take some time so that the Shopify team gives the app its final form, but if the departure is this we are very confident!

If you liked the article and you are interested in similar solutions for your e-commerce, contact us or fix a free advice.


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