The 9 most important KPIs for e-commerce

The KPI (Key Performance Indicator) are that set of metrics fundamental which allow you to effectively monitor the trend of the business, giving the possibility of tracing the performance of a certain...

The 5 errors to avoid in the ADS so as not to w...

Managing marketing campaigns may seem very simple when trying attempts. If, on the other hand, you want to achieve important results and the goal is to grow your business, you...

Influencer Marketing: 10 useful tips

In the last 10 years, the phenomenon of influencers has allowed thousands of businesses to grow dramatically online, taking advantage of the growing popularity of people who have been able...

Why optimize the speed of your E-Commerce Shopphy

The optimization of the speed of a website is a continuous process that drastically impacts on performance and requires adequate time and resources to be able to obtain the best...