Why You Should Optimize Your Shopify Ecommerce Speed

Nowadays, in everyday life, speed is a factor that is constantly improved in order to satisfy the needs of consumers who are increasingly accustomed to having immediate access to information and services .

Likewise, e-commerce loading speed cannot be overlooked if you want to get the most out of a visitor. In fact, after multiple studies on websites, the result obtained by Skilled was the following:
- 79% of customers who are not satisfied with speed are less likely to return
- 64% of users expect a loading time of less than 4 seconds when connecting from a smartphone
- 47% of people who shop online expect a loading time of less than 2 seconds

What happens if an e-commerce is slow?
It is certainly easy to understand that a slow e-commerce causes problems in navigation. Therefore, a user interested in purchasing could be held back by a platform that is not adequate for his attention span and interest.
Unfortunately, however, the problems are not limited to this:
- Google has announced that site speed is a determining factor for SEO
- Traffic sources (Facebook, TikTok, Google etc) have stated that quality score (also given by speed) and advertising costs are correlated

How can you measure the speed of an e-commerce?
PageSpeed ​​Insights is a Google tool that analyzes and suggests all the changes to be made to the website to improve performance from mobile and desktop. If you have an e-commerce and want to analyze it, you can also go to our tool here .

What are some factors that negatively impact the speed of a Shopify e-commerce?
- Pop ups not created and loaded properly
- Carousels with very heavy images
- Hero (top section on the home page) with more images and videos
- Malicious apps that do not integrate with the site or leave traces of code even if uninstalled
- Videos uploaded without proper precautions
- Broken redirects and links

Optimizing the speed of a website is an ongoing process that drastically impacts performance and requires time and adequate resources to achieve the best results, it is not possible to solve the problems with apps or simply by loading lighter images. You need to rely on specialists to get the best results .


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