Basic vs Professional Management of e-commerce: 5 aspects to take into consideration

Creating an e-commerce from scratch is a process that is far from obvious.

Wanting implementing everything from scratch, in fact, there would be an infinite number of critical issues to manage, starting from security , servers , data , payments , etc.  For this reason, several tools have been born that simplify the life of those who want to sell online even without programming skills: first of all Shopify (Find out why you should choose Shopify here ).

The possibility of creating e-commerce in a few steps has given an important boost to the digitization of companies, especially smaller ones, and has allowed, even unexpectedly, to promising realities, to reach stellar turnover thanks to the mix with social networks.

So is managing an e-commerce really that simple ?  With the tools made available by Shopify , process management is streamlined in an important way, also thanks to the support of external apps that perform key functions.

Using a custom domain, creating and adding products, inserting one or more payment methods, modifying sections of the site becomes an intuitive activity supported by dozens and dozens of step by step guides.  We define this as Basic e-commerce management .

Our highly specialized contribution allows our customers to create a superior brand capable of getting the most out of every visitor.

This approach, developed and improved over the years, takes into consideration 5 aspects that characterize Professional Management :

- Tracking and study of visitor behavior

- Implementation of new website features using code instead of apps (which can cause malfunctions and create limits in customization)

- exploitation of AB testing for CRO and validation of the effectiveness of changes (read more here)

- Website speed and performance optimization (read more here )

- Monitoring of all changes made with the possibility of rollback (restoration of a previous state) and version management.

If you have an e-commerce and want to switch to Professional management, having liquid (and not only) expert programmers and consultants specialized in e-commerce available, do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.


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Abbiamo realizzato un vademecum che consente di analizzare autonomamente il proprio e-commerce attraverso una serie di domande e verificare che siano presenti gli elementi necessari per non perdere fatturato ed ottenere il massimo da ogni singolo visitatore.

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